Our nominations are currently closed, register your interest for next year and make sure you don’t miss out!
Register your interest for 2025 and we’ll be in touch when nominations are live.
Do you have a question about the Hull & East Yorkshire Business Awards? Would you like to know more about nominating? Do you want to get involved another way? Get in touch and we’ll get back to you.
Email: jane@heybusinessawards.co.uk
Call: 07917693561
Email: simon@heybusinessawards.co.uk
Call: 07885 970461
You may also find the answers to your questions in our FAQs.
Key dates
9th June 2025
Nominations open
September 2025
Nomination Deadline
October 2025
Shortlist announced
November 2025
The awards ceremony
The winner’s experience
All finalists will be invited to ‘finalist drinks’, a networking opportunity where the partners and lifetime achievement award winners all come together.
We’ll announce the finalists on social media and in our press release to showcase the shortlist. They’ll also receive an unforgettable VIP experience on the awards night itself.
After the ceremony, winners will be invited to a ‘winner’s lunch’, held the following January. This will include all stakeholders, partners, sponsors and lifetime achievement award winners.
Following that, there will be quarterly check-ins – in March, June and September – to follow up and continue to support the award winners and nurture their business.
Winners will be invited to share their business objectives for the year, and to highlight where they may need support, which could include advice and guidance, professional services or a financial contribution.
Our intention is to assist where possible, utilising the skills and knowledge from the local community to drive these organisations forward and to help them grow.
How are the awards judged?
The new-look Hull & East Yorkshire Business Awards are judged on more than the quality of a written submission. This ensures truly deserving people and businesses are recognised for their achievements.
This is the new, improved and more comprehensive process.

Once the nomination window closes, there will be an initial shortlisting based on the information collected in the nomination process.

Every category will be judged by a different panel, each with a mix of partners, business leaders, lifetime achievement winners and sector experts.

The judging process will be supplemented by visits to the nominated people and businesses to ensure a rigorous process.

The shortlisted nominees will be invited to the Hull & East Yorkshire Business Awards ceremony, when the winners will be announced!